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Is dyslexia a subtype of autism or not?

Is dyslexia a subtype of autism or not?

About autism…

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in early childhood and is characterized by inadequacy in social communication and interaction skills, retardation in language development, and repetitive behaviors. Symptoms begin in the first three years of life. This disorder is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with autism spectrum disorder often have problems with social communication, interaction, and limited or repetitive behaviors or interests. With autism, the brain processes sounds and colors differently than the average brain. Such people cannot understand visual cues and body language, and exhibit socially awkward behavior. The severity of autism can vary. Individuals with high-functioning autism (Asperger’s syndrome) have excellent hearing, pronunciation, decoding and spelling skills. What is missing is reacting in a way that is assumed to be socially normal. Individuals with low-functioning autism often have low intelligence and need help with feeding, dressing, and daily routine. Some people may have convulsion disorders (epilepsy), repetitive habits such as head banging and facial twitching, eating non-food items, sleep disturbances, and an aversion to sounds, touch, and colors.

About dyslexia…

Dyslexia is a learning disability that involves difficulty interpreting words, pronunciation, and syllables. Dyslexia, also known as reading difficulties, is a diagnosis of reading disorder made when a child’s reading success is markedly inadequate. For this reason, a child diagnosed with dyslexia often has difficulties in terms of language and verbal expression, and cannot make phonetic distinctions of words due to poor hearing and comprehension skills. Dyslexia has milder symptoms compared to autism. These children have normal or slightly higher intelligence than average children. They experience self-esteem issues, anxiety and depression due to poor performance in school.

Is dyslexia a type of autism?

Dyslexia and autism are two different types of disorders. Dyslexia is not a type of autism. But both autism and dyslexia are related to the way the brain processes information. Autism overlaps with dyslexia in both cognitive and behavioral characteristics. For this reason, someone on the autism spectrum may also be diagnosed with dyslexia.

What are the differences between dyslexia and autism?

The brains of individuals with both autism and dyslexia show slight differences in cell structure and arrangement compared to the average brain. In both cases there are problems with the language system. Autism is more about a failure to understand social cues resulting in awkward responses, while dyslexia is more of a struggle to decipher and put together words, sounds, and meanings. Autism is diagnosed earlier because of the more obvious symptoms. The average age at which a diagnosis of autism is made is three, whereas the average age at which a diagnosis of dyslexia is made is around the standard first (seven years) when the child begins to spell and attend regular classes. Both are neurodevelopmental in nature and the two conditions likely share a common candidate gene. While these two disorders share a lot of overlap, it is clear that the core symptoms of autism go beyond language disorders. Autism and learning difficulties can occur together, but they are different from each other. Autism has more serious symptoms than dyslexia. It is different from dyslexia when the autistic individual avoids eye contact, prefers solitude, does not like to be touched, or engages in repetitive behaviors such as eyelid twitching. Both can significantly affect a person’s life.

Early diagnosis and education are important for both dyslexia and autism. Auto Train Brain is today’s most effective solution method in both diagnosis and training.

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