Dyslexia is the general definition of a learning disorder. Although an individual is at a normal intelligence level, problems in reading, writing, and language skills are called dyslexia. Dyslexia, which has a special learning disorder, manifests itself as a reading disorder but also affects attention and memory.
What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia that individuals can face at any age is described as learning difficulties. When asked what is dyslexia, the most general response is dyslexia is not a disease but a learning disorder. Dyslexia, which reveals its earliest symptoms in childhood, can be overcome in a way that can increase the level of success of individuals with a private lesson and a special education program. It is possible to reduce the effects of this disorder to minimum levels in individuals with dyslexia. And early diagnosis is of great importance in this process.
It is negatively affected by the functions of reading and writing of an individual with dyslexia. Although people with dyslexia can distinguish sounds in speech, they have difficulty learning the relationship between these sounds with letters and words. For people with dyslexia, this discomfort affects the whole life of individuals are difficult to process and remember the information they see and hear. Such an effect makes it difficult to gain learning and literacy skills.
What are the symptoms of dyslexia, and how to understand dyslexia?
Since dyslexia is mostly manifested as reading difficulties, it can be difficult to notice this situation before starting school in children. However, careful parents may notice some clues that reveal themselves with dyslexia.
The severity of the experience of dyslexia varies from individual to individual. The size and weight of dyslexia often occur when the child begins to learn. Some symptoms that dyslexia put forward preschool are listed as follows;
• Lack of attention,
• Hyperactivity Disorder,
• Late talk,
• Slow learning of new words,
• Don’t mix the sound order while pronouncing words,
• While pronounced words, the difficulty of distinguishing between similar words,
• Difficulty learning rhymes and rhymes,
• It is difficult to remember the names of letters, numbers, and colors.
Parents who cannot diagnose dyslexia in children with these symptoms in preschool periods are mostly aware of this discomfort with the diagnosis of teachers when the school period arrives. Dyslexia symptoms in school age are as follows;
• Understanding and comprehension of what you hear, there is also a problem,
• To be able to read below the expected level for age,
• Difficulty in remembering the sorting of objects,
• Difficulty in finding the right word,
• Difficulty in creating answers to questions,
• Spelling and spelling difficulties
• Avoiding reading activities,
• Having difficulty in pronunciation of foreign words,
• cannot complete reading assignments on time and as necessary.
Dyslexia, which could not be diagnosed during the school period, manifests itself with the same symptoms during young and adulthood. The most common symptoms of dyslexia in adults are as follows;
• Don’t hesitate to read loudly,
• Having difficulty in syllabizing
• Having difficulty summarizing stories,
• Having difficulty learning a foreign language,
• Having difficulty in memorization,
• Completing reading and writing activities over a longer period of time,
• Avoiding reading activities,
• It is difficult to pronounce names or words.

How is dyslexia treated?
There are no tests or similar studies to diagnose dyslexia discomfort. During the diagnosis, a number of factors consider and the diagnosis is made in line with these factors. Of course, as with all disorders, it is of great importance that the process is diagnosed in the early stages of dyslexia discomfort.
There are some brain abnormalities in dyslexia. And there is no known treatment for correcting these brain abnormalities. Dyslexia training is the most effective method known and applied for dyslexia that lasts for life and can only be reduced.

Dyslexia training
From the moment the symptoms of dyslexia disorder are understood, special educational planning should be made for the dyslexic child. Since there is no mental retardation in children, it can reach the same level as each dyslexic child’s peers with the right dyslexia training planned.
Dyslexia education includes special programs that are appropriate for each child. Training is planned as a result of psychological tests after the diagnosis of dyslexia. Because a child with severe dyslexia will reach the same level as their peers.
It is of great importance that parents and teachers have a strong cooperation for a successful Dyslexia education.