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Dyslexia- The advantages of choosing Auto Train Brain over other solutions for dyslexia

Dyslexia- The advantages of choosing Auto Train Brain over other solutions for dyslexia

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that negatively affects the brain functions of the individual. Moreover, it can be seen in all age groups. Individuals with dyslexia have difficulty in performing one or more of the skills such as reading, writing, math, and comprehension, according to their peers and environment. Dyslexia education, which is started at an early age, helps to control and reduce dyslexia to a great extent.
What are the methods of dyslexia education?
First of all, let us state that there is no drug or surgical procedure in the solution of dyslexia.
• Special education can be started as a result of diagnosis, especially in Dyslexia, the symptoms of which are understood at the age of going to school.
• Dyslexia support can be obtained from the therapist. (For example: language therapy, adaptation therapy, etc.)
• If the individual is younger, reading the same book over and over and reading it aloud helps him get used to words and sounds.
• Reading on interests can also be preferred in terms of enthusiasm for reading.
• Language skills, Multi-sensory therapies in which written or spoken words are accompanied by pictures, objects or sounds are also effective.
• Besides all this, the support of parents is very important.
With the Auto Train Brain, an improvement that classical training cannot provide can be achieved.
• With EEG based and artificial intelligence supported Auto Train Brain; It is reliable mobile neurofeedback training that increases reading speed, reading comprehension, attention, memory and other cognitive skills.
• Auto Train Brain training is personalized. It focuses directly on the region where the person needs development in particular. It is aimed to reduce developmental differences and disconnection syndrome between brain lobes.
• While it is a question of going to a center in classical training, Auto Train Brain offers the privilege of dyslexia training with a mobile application in the comfort of your home!
• With Auto Train Brain training, the individual’s phonetic awareness increases, attention and focus are strengthened, and it is seen that spelling errors decrease with the increase in word repetition.
• You can get Auto Train Brain training for much less than the cost that will arise when we add all the classical trainings. Auto Train Brain gives you the opportunity to access training without any hassle with convenient payment options.
• While the data of classical trainings are not clear, Auto Train Brain’s training increased 70% in reading comprehension, 45% in reading speed, 50% in attention development, 18% in speech development, 36% in socialization development, 41% in cognitive activity development, according to clinical study results. provides.
• Auto Train Brain has no side effects. At this point, it has always been an education chosen by parents with its reliability.
• The time that all classical education will take may cause boredom, inefficiency of education and discouragement of the individual for this education. However, with Auto Train Brain, you can save time and have better quality and solution training.
• Auto Train Brain, is designed by Dr. Günet Eroğlu, who is one of the best analyzes of children’s needs in this regard and takes action accordingly.
For all these reasons, you can access the CE certified and completely side-free Auto Train Brain Training with the payment options suitable for you, in a way that your child’s needs are well analyzed.
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