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What is neurofeedback? What does neurofeedback do? How can we benefit from neurofeedback?

What is neurofeedback? What does neurofeedback do? How can we benefit from neurofeedback?

Nörogeribildirim nedir? Nöroge_1

Although there are billions of cells in our brain, none of them can do anything on their own, but they can communicate with each other and form networks. We can liken these networks to internet networks. When billions of cells emit electrical currents at the same time, brain waves are generated. Brain waves tell us a lot about how we feel, what we do and how we do it; our thought habits, stress levels, underlying mood and overall brain function.

Neurofeedback measures these electrical brain waves with EEG – electroencephalography. Through neurofeedback, problematic or problematic waves can be learned and areas that need to be improved can be identified. Neurofeedback is a drug-free solution in many areas, including dyslexia, and is a method without side effects.

Neurofeedback began in the late 1950s and early 60s with the work of Dr. Joe Kamiya from the University of Chicago and Dr. Barry Sterman from UCLA. Dr. Kamiya was studying consciousness and discovered that people could learn to change their brain activity using a simple reward system. By the late 80s neurofeedback was being applied to attention deficit disorders and throughout the 90s to a wide range of psychological and central nervous system-based conditions. In the last decade, the medical view of the brain has completely changed and the principles of neuroplasticity are universally accepted. Neuroscience began to recognize the interrelationship between the central nervous system, the autoimmune system, emotional, physical and mental health. It recognized that the brain can change at any age and that we create new neurons and new connections between neurons throughout life.

It is common practice in scientific studies to assess how people’s brains function under various conditions of illness, stress and mental challenge. Patterns in EEG reflect emotional and cognitive states and reveal whether people are paying attention or not, or even what their mood might be.

Thanks to advances in computer software and brainwave monitoring equipment, neurofeedback practitioners have precise tools. With 50 years of independent development behind it, neurofeedback has become highly effective…

Today, neurofeedback is part of the astronaut training program as well as used by professional sports teams and business people for peak performance. It is widely used as a drug-free solution for ADHD, post-traumatic stress and all kinds of emotional states.

What does neurofeedback do?

Most people have normal brain function, but still have brain imbalances or chronic emotions that affect their daily lives. This is where neurofeedback can help. Neurofeedback is a way to train brain activity. With sensors placed on the scalp, we can measure and monitor brain activity. With EEG, we can also identify which specific activity is causing symptoms. Once we know the problem areas, we can create a training plan to help pull the brain into a relaxed and productive state. This brings us to Neurofeedback.

During a neurofeedback session, we compare what you want your brain to do with what it actually does. When your brain approaches a more relaxed state, you see a positive response on the computer screen. Usually neurofeedback takes the form of visual and auditory rewards that accompany a video game, music or movie. The sounds and images tell your brain when it is approaching a more productive place and when it is not. When you watch the video better, it is because your brain is approaching the desired state. When you find it more difficult to watch the video, it is because your attention is shifting elsewhere.

How can we benefit from neurofeedback?

Auto Train Brain transmits the signals it reads from the brain through the headset to the mobile app. The app teaches the user to control brain signals with stimuli.

Auto Train Brain with neurofeedback

  • dyslexia,
  • disgraphy,
  • dyscalculia,
  • dispraxia,
  • DEHB,
  • atypical autism,
  • learning disability,
  • hyperactivity,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • depression,
  • anxiety,
  • dementia and
  • It is a drug-free method in many areas, including level 1 Alzheimer’s disease,

and has no side effects.

Auto Train Brain transmits the signals it reads from the brain through the headset to the mobile application. The application teaches the user to control brain signals with stimuli.

You can contact us to learn more about the positive effects of Auto Train Brain on dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADHD, atypical autism, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, cerebral palsy, depression, anxiety, dementia and level 1 Alzheimer’s.

You can write us all your questions; you can contact us via our Auto Train Brain contact page, social media accounts, phone and e-mail.

☎️ 0552 651 00 50


With our love,

Auto Train Brain

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