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Neurology, Dyslexia, Learning Difficulties, and More

Konuşma Bozukluklarının Tanımı_2

Definition, causes and solutions for Speech Disorders!

Speech plays a fundamental role in the process of communicating and expressing one’s thoughts. Speech disorders refer to conditions that affect speech skills. These disorders can occur in many areas, from the production of the voice, the shaping of the

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What is Regeneration? How Does It Happen in Our Body?

Living a healthy life starts with understanding our body’s natural healing process. This process involves a miraculous event called regeneration. Regeneration refers to our body’s ability to repair and renew itself. Regeneration literally means “rebirth”. It refers to the natural

Çocukluktan yetişkinliğe dikka_6

How does attention deficit affect our lives from childhood to adulthood?

Attention deficit is a condition in which an individual has difficulty concentrating, is distracted and exhibits symptoms such as impulsivity. This condition becomes especially evident in school-age children and can negatively affect educational performance. Dyslexia can also co-occur with attention

Brain Waves and Neurofeedback: Beyond Therapy Options

In today’s world, the importance of brain waves and neurofeedback in health and therapy is increasingly recognized. Brain waves are electrical signals measured at different frequency ranges. Neurofeedback involves using these brain waves for therapeutic purposes. In this article, we

Öğrenme güçlükleri ile dikkat _5

How are learning disabilities and attention deficits related?

Nowadays, learning disabilities and attention deficit, which are common problems in childhood and adolescence, are considered a concern by many families. The link between these two conditions can have profound effects on individuals’ academic achievement and overall quality of life.

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