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Anatomy of Obsessions in Autism! Why and How Obsessions Occur in Autism?

Anatomy of Obsessions in Autism! Why and How Obsessions Occur in Autism?

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Autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the lives of many people. Today, it is seen in one in every 44 children. It can be seen in all kinds of societies, geographies and races. It is 3-4 times more common in boys than in girls. Mostly we cannot distinguish them from other people in appearance. It is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication and repetitive behaviors. However, being limited to these symptoms when it comes to autism may prevent us from understanding the true nature of this disorder. Obsessions, which are common in autism, are an important key to delving deeper into this disorder and understanding its causes.

Obsessions are an important component of autism spectrum disorder. These obsessions refer to the tendency to show excessive interest in a particular subject, object or activity. Individuals with autism often guard these obsessions tightly and the routines of these obsessions dictate their daily life…

So, why do obsessions in autism occur and how do they develop?

The causes of obsessions in individuals with autism can be various. First, neurological differences play a major role. Structural and functional differences in the brain affect the way individuals with autism perceive and process the world. These differences can trigger increased interest in certain topics or activities. For example, an individual with autism may have the ability to focus on the details of a topic and may tend to specialize in it.

Environmental factors are also thought to play a role in the development of obsessions in autism. Experiences during childhood may influence the development of certain interests and support the formation of obsessions. For example, if a child is constantly in contact with a particular movie or game, he or she may develop increased interest and obsessions about this subject.

The variety of obsessions also increases the complexity of obsessions in autism. Some individuals with autism show excessive interest in a particular subject or object, while others may be obsessed with certain routines or patterns of behavior. These obsessions are often based on personal preferences and may differ in each individual with autism.

The development of obsessions in autism is a complex process and involves the interaction of many factors. In addition to neurological differences, environmental factors also play a role in the development of obsessions.

Especially in educational settings, obsessions can sometimes interfere with the learning process. For example, excessive interest in a particular subject or object can be distracting and make it difficult for the student to focus on the lesson. However, some students with autism can turn their obsession with a particular subject into an educational advantage and master it.

In private life, obsessions can affect the daily activities and relationships of individuals with autism. For example, excessive interest in a particular activity can limit time for other activities and social interactions. Likewise, excessive interest in a particular object or topic can cause difficulties in relationships and impair a person’s ability to adapt to their environment.

Autism spectrum disorder and Auto Train Brain…

Autism spectrum disorders can be managed with the right support and understanding. Auto Train Brain is a mobile phone application that improves the cognitive performance of children with dyslexia and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning. EEG signals are read with a 14-channel EEG headset, processed on the mobile phone and neurofeedback is given in the form of audio/visual stimuli.

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Auto Train Brain

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