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What Is Dysgraphia (Writing Difficulty)? What are the Symptoms?

What Is Dysgraphia (Writing Difficulty)? What are the Symptoms?

Children begin to develop by gaining skills at certain ages. However, some children, especially in primary school age, may experience difficulties in gaining skills in reading, writing or mathematics. This condition is known as learning disability. Studies show that learning disability is not caused by a disease, developmental delay or mental retardation, but entirely by neurological structural differences.

Learning disabilities may occur in children with different symptoms in different areas. Therefore, the symptoms of learning disabilities are divided into different categories so that they can be examined in more detail and diagnosed. These categories are:

  • Dyslexia: Learning difficulties in reading and reading comprehension skills.
  • Dyscalculia: Learning disability in the development of math skills.
  • Dysgraphia: It is a learning difficulty in writing letters and numbers.

In our article, we will try to give short answers to the questions about dysgraphia, which is one of the types of learning difficulties, what is dysgraphia, what are the symptoms and how is the education.

What is dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia, which is one of the types of learning disabilities, is the learning disability seen in the field of writing with the symptoms of the child’s learning to write. Since the period of learning to write coincides with the primary school age, the first symptoms usually begin to be seen in this period. As with all other types of learning disabilities, it is not a disease. Also, it has no connection with intelligence development or intelligence level. Most children may have difficulty in the early stages of writing, but the symptoms of dysgraphia are different from this normal condition.

What Are the Symptoms of Dysgraphia?

A child who has just started school and is just learning to write has difficulties in writing skills, and the symptoms should be followed. Specific symptoms that help diagnose dysgraphia include:

  • Holding the pen too tightly or incorrectly while writing
  • Inability to distinguish and mix upper and lower case letters
  • Using missing or extra letters while writing words
  • Do not forget the space that should be left between words in sentence writing.
  • Write numbers or letters in reverse.

These symptoms are just a few of the symptoms of dysgraphia, but the symptoms seen are signs of development in the field of writing skills.

How Is Dysgraphia Treated?

As in all other learning difficulties, dysgraphia also requires tests and evaluations by a child psychiatrist and a diagnosis must be made. Since dysgraphia is not a disease type, its treatment is only possible with education, not medication. After the final diagnosis is made by the child psychiatrist, the difficulties experienced by the child regarding the writing skills are determined. Accordingly, a detailed education program is prepared for the child in order to develop these skills through education.

As Auto Train Brain team, we tried to answer the questions of what is dysgraphia, what are its symptoms and how can it be treated in this article. We hope it was useful. You can contact us to learn more about the positive effects of dysgraphia and Auto Train Brain on dysgraphia.

You can write all your questions to us; You can reach us via our Auto Train Brain contact page, social media accounts, phone and e-mail.

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